It all started last year June 2012 when I got officially divorced. I literally lost EVERYTHING including my marriage. I hit ROCK BOTTOM! I had no where to stay. So I went to the Kent chapel and talked to the resident minister. Keep in mind this was probably the 3rd time meeting this minister. I was a complete stranger to him. After talking to him we figured out a place for me to stay but it was only temporary. On the second day I received a text msg from my cousin (who is also a member) in which he was asking me an unrelated question and I told him my situation. He had no idea what I was going through. The first thing he said was “do you need a place to stay?” Ever since that day my life changed forever.

While staying with my cousin, I began to attend bible studies and worship services on a regular basis. By going to church it allowed me to understand what was going on in my life and realize that this was a test sent from God. I also realized that in order for my life to get better I had to surrender my life to Him. I had to stop being selfish trying to live my life for myself and start living my life to serving God. So I prayed every single day for my life to get better. The Brethren at the Kent, Wa chapel has been, up to now, so supportive and inspirational to me. Not once were they negative about anything. It was all positive support. They kept telling me to keep coming to church and keep being active. With the power of prayer and the strongest belief in the faith my life began to change.

So in October 2012 I finally moved out of my cousin’s house and got a place of my own. My faith in God just got stronger and stronger every day. I prayed constantly for God just to give me the basic necessities in life to survive. I began to slowly receive those blessings. From the time I moved out of my cousin’s house up until I got baptized I had many trials and tests. I was told by a fellow Brethren that before a significant blessing there will be many trials and tests that I will have to overcome before I receive that blessing. I went through a lot of hardships and struggles and one of the greatest blessing I received was by Baptism on March 31, 2013 in Seattle, Wa. I will never forget all the Kent Brethren that came to my baptism to support me. I was like “you all came here just for me.” I even had a old elementary school friend come down with her kids last minute. I was the only one from the locale that was getting baptized. I could not believe all the support I got. It was overwhelming. It was great! I will never ever forget that day!

My life now is filled with happiness and joy. I still have difficulties but now I have God and the Iglesia Ni Cristo church behind me. Right now I am in the process of buying a house and just got officially hired with a great company. To all my fellow Brethren, especially at the Kent chapel, I am forever grateful to for all the support in guiding me to baptism. I feel that you are ALL my family! I much love for God, Jesus Christ, Iglesia Ni Cristo Church, Family, and Brethren! Thank you so much for everything! I love you all!

Author: Bro. Walden D. Corpuz. Locale of Kent, Wa. Baptized on March 31, 2013.

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