THE GREEDY BUNCH: A Watch List of the Kind of People We Shouldn’t Be

IGLESIA NI CRISTO: God's Message (Pasugo)

WATCH OUT and guard yourselves from every kind of greed,” thus said our Lord Jesus Christ to His disciples as He warned them about the dangers of being governed by greed. He further pointed out “…true life is not made up of the things you own, no matter how rich you may be” (Luke 12:15, Today’s English Version).

Indeed, if we yearn for the true life with God in His heavenly kingdom, one of the things we must rid ourselves of is greed. To be filled with greed is not just “improper for God’s holy people” (Eph. 5:3, New International Version); it also chips away one’s trust in God until he is reduced to a blasphemer, whose destiny is utter destruction:

“… The greedy curse and reject the LORD … in their pride they think that God doesn’t matter.” (Ps. 10:3-4, TEV)

Identified here are the…

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A Voice that Has Been Ignored

Very true. Inspiring.

IGLESIA NI CRISTO: God's Message (Pasugo)

EXHAUSTING THE POTENTIALS of science, engineering, and technology, modernity has brought about amazing wonders to us. Extremely impressive inventions and discoveries of man today, particularly in the fields of medicine, transportation, and communication, were thought before as beyond human capacity, although long before the birth of Christ, an angel of God told prophet Daniel that at “the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase” (Dan. 12:4, New King James Version). Agricultural, industrial, and business sectors have utilized technology to the fullest, in their aim of generating much profit.

Indeed, many, young and old, rich and poor, are trying with excitement to avail themselves of the conveniences and sophistication modernity offers. But on the other hand, it has been observed that modern societies are troubled with moral and spiritual decline especially on the part of the youth. Such decline is indicated by alarming trends such as…

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Three-Idiots05What distinguishes such from a mere acquaintance? Why is having true friends somethings worthwhile? Is it very important to have a friend? Turning to the pages of the Holy Scriptures, we learn the value of friendship thus: “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up” (Eccles. 4:9-10, New International Version).

Indeed, as God’s word shows us, friendship is truly a good thing. At various times in our life, when crisis or personal tragedy comes, having a friend beside us can lift our spirits up. A true friend can be counted on to join with us in works for the good of the friendly relationship. A friend will come to our aid when we are in a bind and provide helpful advice and assistance in whatever way he can. The Bible even mentions that in times of danger, having a friend by our side is beneficial. Let’s take a look at what the Holy Scriptures shows us about friends in times of trouble: “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken” (Eccles. 4:12,Ibid.).

Clearly then, in the eyes of our Creator, friendship is a good thing. In fact, as you can see from the verse we have just quoted, a friend is a good thing to have and it is even better to have friends! Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ also talked about a characteristic of  true friendship to his people: “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13, Ibid.).

Here, Jesus speaks how a true friend can express what he feels. According to Jesus, one way someone can express his friendship is through his willingness to give up something valuable to him for the one he regards as a true friend. However, it is also so important for us to understand that it is possible that a friend can put us in danger. Some may see this as a contradiction. But it is not. Why? Apostle Paul tells us in his letter to the  Corinthians: “In my many travels I have been in danger from floods and from robbers, in danger from fellow Jews and from Gentiles; there have been dangers in the cities, dangers in the wilds, dangers on the high seas, and dangers from false friends” (II Cor. 11:26,Today’s English Version).

Apostle Paul was one who experienced many moments of danger when he truly needed a friend. As we could see, he found out that there were those with him that he could not count on. He talked to members of the Church in Corinth about dangers, and included so-called friends who turned out to be what he described as “false friends.” They may have presented themselves as true friends, but, in reality they were not. Is there a way for us also to determine whether or not some of the acquaintances we may have in our own lives are actually false friends? Apostle Paul went on to say the following: “Don’t be fooled by those who say such things, for ‘bad company corrupts good character’” (I Cor. 15:33, New Living Translation).

False friends or acquaintances can fool some people. They can be very deceptive. That is why the apostle gave such warning that we should not be fooled by them. He also mentioned the result if we would not be careful, saying that even our good character could be corrupted. It is easy then to see that not all friends are good. Disaster can strike us if we are not very careful in choosing our friends and those whom we spend time with. What are some of the destructive habits that false friends may try to lead us according to the Bible? “Listen, my son, be wise and give serious thought to the way you live. Don’t associate with people who drink too much wine or stuff themselves with food. Drunkards and gluttons will be reduced to poverty. If all you do is eat and sleep, you will soon be wearing rags” (Prov. 23:19-21, TEV).

No one wants to be reduced to poverty. But, that is what will happen if we choose as friends people who drink, overeat, and are lazy. These so-called friends will lead us to self-destruction. These kinds of friends will not encourage us to do what is good for us. What they are, in fact, will be the kind of influence they will try to wield. King Solomon described their actions like this: “Son, don’t go with people like that. Stay away from them. They can’t wait to do something bad. They’re always ready to kill” (Prov 1:15-16, Ibid.).

After giving advice about staying away from such false friends, he also described them. They are the type of people that are always eager to lead us toward something bad, even violence. But who are such kind of people hurting the most? “But men like that are setting a trap for themselves, a trap in which they will die” (Prov. 1:18, Ibid.)

It is normal for young people to have a desire to fit in, and be accepted by their peer group. And as we have learned in the initial verses we quoted, the normal youthful tendency toward the pursuit of companionship, independence, and the building of a circle of friends wherein one spends much of his time is not something that God is againts, or that He prohibits. However, as we have also seen, He clearly warns about being careful in the choices one makes concerning friendship. In one’s passion for companionship and friendship, what guidance does God give to His people when choosing the type of person to spend time with and include in the circle of our acquaintances? “Avoid the passions of youth, and strive for righteousness, faith, love, and peace, together with those who with a pure heart call out to the Lord for help” (II Tim 2:22, Ibid.).

The Bible teaches us to strive for righteousness and to be in the company of people who call out to the Lord for help, that we may have a life filled with faith, love, and peace. Such companions, who strive to live a holy life will surely never lead us toward danger but will be around to help us in time of great need. There is an example recorded in the Bible of a true servant of God who spoke of the criteria he used when choosing one who he would consider in his circle of friends. The writings of King David recorded: “I am a friend of all who serve you, of all who obey you laws” (Ps. 119:63, Ibid.).

He was eager to be a friend of those who serve God and of those who wanted to obey God’s laws. Is that also how we choose our friends? If we want to know the best way to be a friend to others, the Bible also teaches us that here: “I have not kept the news of salvation to myself; I have always spoken of your faithfulness and help. In the assembly of all you people I have not been silent about you loyalty and consistent love” (Ps. 40:10, Ibid.).

Members of the Church of Christ therefore extend their invitation to everyone they meet at school, at work, and in all their journeys in this life to become a true servant of God, here inside the true “Church of Christ,” which is great act of friendship one can extend to another.

Source: IGLESIA NI CRISTO, Pasugo, God’s Message, June 2010 Edition, Volume 62, Number 6, ISSN 0116-1636, p. 12-13, by ROBERT F. PELLIEN


It all started last year June 2012 when I got officially divorced. I literally lost EVERYTHING including my marriage. I hit ROCK BOTTOM! I had no where to stay. So I went to the Kent chapel and talked to the resident minister. Keep in mind this was probably the 3rd time meeting this minister. I was a complete stranger to him. After talking to him we figured out a place for me to stay but it was only temporary. On the second day I received a text msg from my cousin (who is also a member) in which he was asking me an unrelated question and I told him my situation. He had no idea what I was going through. The first thing he said was “do you need a place to stay?” Ever since that day my life changed forever.

While staying with my cousin, I began to attend bible studies and worship services on a regular basis. By going to church it allowed me to understand what was going on in my life and realize that this was a test sent from God. I also realized that in order for my life to get better I had to surrender my life to Him. I had to stop being selfish trying to live my life for myself and start living my life to serving God. So I prayed every single day for my life to get better. The Brethren at the Kent, Wa chapel has been, up to now, so supportive and inspirational to me. Not once were they negative about anything. It was all positive support. They kept telling me to keep coming to church and keep being active. With the power of prayer and the strongest belief in the faith my life began to change.

So in October 2012 I finally moved out of my cousin’s house and got a place of my own. My faith in God just got stronger and stronger every day. I prayed constantly for God just to give me the basic necessities in life to survive. I began to slowly receive those blessings. From the time I moved out of my cousin’s house up until I got baptized I had many trials and tests. I was told by a fellow Brethren that before a significant blessing there will be many trials and tests that I will have to overcome before I receive that blessing. I went through a lot of hardships and struggles and one of the greatest blessing I received was by Baptism on March 31, 2013 in Seattle, Wa. I will never forget all the Kent Brethren that came to my baptism to support me. I was like “you all came here just for me.” I even had a old elementary school friend come down with her kids last minute. I was the only one from the locale that was getting baptized. I could not believe all the support I got. It was overwhelming. It was great! I will never ever forget that day!

My life now is filled with happiness and joy. I still have difficulties but now I have God and the Iglesia Ni Cristo church behind me. Right now I am in the process of buying a house and just got officially hired with a great company. To all my fellow Brethren, especially at the Kent chapel, I am forever grateful to for all the support in guiding me to baptism. I feel that you are ALL my family! I much love for God, Jesus Christ, Iglesia Ni Cristo Church, Family, and Brethren! Thank you so much for everything! I love you all!

Author: Bro. Walden D. Corpuz. Locale of Kent, Wa. Baptized on March 31, 2013.

What is affiliate marketing?

PH.2015-09-03.MO.0.1.45acd88cfafec95d03afc1986b899db0By: Eva Hermogino

Hello guys! How are you? I hope you’ve learned a lot from our previous discussion and I also expect that motivation brings you here to discover and learn more about how to make money. Honestly guys we have many ways in making money online, aka e-commerce. We have the so called business process outsourcing. Examples of these are survey answering, content writing, clicking ads, reading emails, etc. Who among you guys have gone through those things? Some of them are just scams (I know the government is taking actions against them) but they can easily be spotted. But they are not our subjects now.

Alright, one of the bests and easy ways to make money online is through affiliation. I say the best because their products are widely scattered ranging from smallest item to bulk merchandise, from ordinary thing to personalized commodities, it’s up to you to select, you can review anything that best suit your preference.

I’m going to teach you how to do it. Alright, affiliation or affiliate marketing is defined as contract between two parties where one firm (the marketer/seller) pays another (the affiliate – this is you) for transactions made through the promotional transactions of the latter (you) using the latter’s webpage or social media account.

In traditional business, in civil law, lawyers call this as contract to sell, or agency to sell. In e-commerce, this is called affiliate marketing or marketing associate.

Many giant companies are opening affiliate marketing system or program. Alright, for the sake of newbies, affiliate marketing is giving you an opportunity to earn huge income ranging from 1% up to 50% commission, in dollars. In short, you’ll be paid for advertising their products through your blogs, websites, or social media accounts such as facebook or twitter.

Alright a guy here from Nigeria, a Doctor of Philosophy, asked a question, let me rephrase the question, “What are we going to do? Sell the product?” Alright, thank you for that very nice and relevant question. The answer is it depends upon the company you are going to affiliate and to the country where you are a resident. Let us take for example in United States, their Federal Trade Commission requires the affiliate to make promotional transactions such as making reviews about the product.  Well, of course companies will not waste their money to pay you for doing nothing.

What is a review? A review is a certain commentary about the product per se. You have to give the public the knowledge about such product, why are you recommending it? You have to give them reason to buy such product.

Who will sell the product? Not you, because you are just an affiliate. The marketer will sell the product and the client will pay directly to the marketer. So how will the marketer know that such a customer purchased the product because of my promotion or review?

Alright, upon signing up with the marketer they will give you unique ID that you will use later on in creating links from review to the marketer’s product page. When the client purchased the product, it will register automatically to your account as an affiliate where you can check your earnings anytime and make withdrawals through your local bank.

In my case, I have Well, you guys know Amazon, it is the largest online store in the world, followed by ebay. They won’t screw you up, to tell you people, they won’t ruin their business reputation with just a few hundreds or thousands of dollars. They built their name ever since and they gained such a good reputation in e-commerce.

Amazon has its market open worldwide and items are being delivered anywhere in the world because they have their own system of airlines and even runways. This means that I can promote its products not only in the local market but most importantly, worldwide.

Can you sign up with Amazon even without blog or website yet? Yes. You can register anytime and have your promotions later when your website is already published. To become part of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for FREE, If you think it’s not beneficial, please do not do so. Thank you guys.

First step to make a money machine


Hi guys! Welcome to this forum again. What I am going to tell you now is the reality that no one can refute. It is true that poverty and hardship is widespread all throughout the world. Even the rich countries are now suffering from economic recession and worst some countries are experiencing depression. I’m telling you this because most companies that employ large quantity of man power are now reducing human resources and turning into outsourcing, just to keep things going.

Alright, the point here guys is the increasing rate of unemployment worldwide. Many are jobless. Finding a stable job or even a job that will match your skills is hard to find. Like looking for a gold ring in the sea shore. Some are putting their investments in traditional business, but eventually failed. I, myself is a living witness to this dilemma. I used to be a trader in the Philippines’ major cities but experienced setbacks that lead to closure. It left me with debts, debts, and debts.

But resiliency teaches us that “the biggest success is to stand after falling”. I know some of you might just have experienced how to “fall”, in one way or another. What I will tell you now, is the opportunity for you to prove that you CAN stand again after falling, and this time, stronger than ever. Do you like that? Raise the hands of those who don’t want to stand again after falling? (Silence) Nobody?.. Alright thank you guys.

Now let’s do this. I will tell you how to make a “money machine’. Do you want to have a machine that prints genuine money for you? Yes, of course you like that, nobody in their right mind would refuse such an offer. Or maybe you want a tool that makes a machine that makes money? LOL

I will tell you this because I want to help. I will not earn even a single centavo by just telling you my secret. So why would I help you? Because that is the essence of this business. This economic endeavor is anchored on the principle of “helping others.” That is the same legal spirit embodied in the Federal Trade Commission of United States of America, and to some international treaties relating to international trade. That is the law that authorizes us to engage in this kind of business. So if you want triumph, help others achieve the same. That is what I’m doing now.

I know you are afraid to make transactions online because of scammers. Maybe some of you have already experienced becoming a victim to these unscrupulous people. Just to prove my point, later on, when you decide to make business of this kind, just as I did, you will be engaging with giant companies such as Mircosoft, Nike, Walmart, Amazon, BlueHost, and many others, directly by your own free will, not mine. My only job is to help you find the money machine and the rest of the effort is in your fingertips. In signing up, you need to pass the internal revenue requirement of your country where you are a resident and that with the IRS of United States, or that of Canada, Australia, Asia, as the case may be.

You will receive payments directly in your own bank account, not that of your Mom or your best friend, it must be your own. This is to attest that you will get paid for your effort and your income is subject to tax by your own government. You can check the business authority of the companies you will be tied up with in your government that regulate this kind of business. This is just one way to detect scammers. Scammers do not pass through government regulations, alright. If you are doubtful, please do not sign up.

Don’t worry, I am not recruiting you for pyramiding. This is not an MLM, nor any kind of binary scam. I will just open up the doors of opportunity for you – to make money at your own. As a matter of fact, being an affiliate to this companies are totally FREE. You don’t have to pay even a single centavo. You like that? Who among you want to pay? Nobody of course. Joining with these giant companies requires your own free will. Yes, your own choice, your own effort, your own labor, your own capital – if you want to boost faster. I’m just trying to help you guys see the road map to true financial freedom. If you want to know more about this business, learn more by clicking this.

Ooopss. Don’t sign up yet. Don’t be too excited. I have 3 sincere advices to you guys, first is to study this stuff carefully. You can’t achieve something if you don’t know what you are doing (and later on blame others, right?). Second, affiliate only to companies familiar to you and doing the right thing under your government regulations. Lastly but most importantly, help others like how I help you. Don’t be selfish guys, try to look back so you can move forward. And in moving forward, carry those who needs your help.

For more information about this, please visit

How to make money online?


Part 1

To give you a little background about the authors, Rovil is a former College Instructor Quezon City, Philippines. He engaged in logging operations in Camarines provinces, until putting up his trading post. After several ups and down, he tried Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) where he served as writer for some clients in Bangladesh, Kenya, Pakistan, Canada, and United States until he discovered the more (and probably the easiest) way to earning 100 percent profit for his own crop.

On the other hand, Eva studied in University of the Philippines and eventually dropped her school to work in direct selling. She tried working in call center industry but decided to make her won road to financial independence.
Let me tell you my people, the lesson you are about to learn now is not an instant-millionaire scheme or a multi-level marketing, or a “gecko” or a “yamashita treasure” scheme.banking_bricks_business

In this business, you will exert ninety nine (99%) percent perspiration and one (1%) percent hardwork equals the same – industry. People, I’m telling you this not to discourage you but rather I just want to tell you that lazy and “easy-money” minded people are no room in this kind of business. If you don’t want to work and earn, then stop reading. If you want the other way around, you want financial freedom, then go. This is the time for you to make your own way to online market.

For the sake of those new in online marketing, online marketing is, in its simplest explanation, about buying and selling or goods or services worldwide without having employees or actual store in foreign countries or territories.
So, this online marketing is a serious business. This is a combination of active income and passive income. What is the difference between the two, for those newbies’ sake let me give you an example. Alright, when you directly sell, let’s say a book, to someone, that is an active income. When while you are sleeping in a comfortable bedroom and income keeps on coming to your bank account, that is passive income. In online business, you will have both active and passive income. Do you like that?

roll_of_money_185524Maybe you will ask me how long will it takes for you to make money online, the answer depends on you.

You can make money as fast as 2 days, maybe in 30 days, or maybe 3 months or a year. That is completely depends on you. You have to have your target and you have to make all your efforts to hit the target. That is why your target must be realistic and achievable. You can make more than your target depending on your own choices and industry.

Alright, now you are looking for a business that doesn’t require a huge capital, but can give you huge earnings (depending on your method and industry) faster and longterm projection. You are on the right path, you’re not mistaking. That is the kind of enthusiasm this kind of business require.

We will discuss many methods of making money online in Part II of this article. For the meantime, tells us some guidelines you an we go thru our in-depth discussion on the subject.

Separation of Church and State: What are the tests and parameters in the implementation thereof?

separation-of-church-and-stateNote: Ang paksang ito ay inilahad upang bigyang linaw ang mga isyung makatutulong sa kamalayan ng mga Pilipino. Ito ay isang neutral ground para sa mga opinion at para sa kabatiran ng ating mga kababayan.

Ang Freedom of Religion Clause sa ating Constitution na isinasaad sa Bill of Rights, ay itinuturing na isang mahirap na aspeto ng ating saligang batas. Ito ay ayon sa Supreme Court ng United States of America kung saan hinango ang ating saligang batas.

Sa maraming pagkakataon ay pinagtibay ng ating Supreme Court ang paghihiwalay ng estado at gobyerno sapagkat ito’y isang doktrinang pang demokrasya na hindi dapat mawala sa batas ng isang demokratikong bansa na tulad ng Pilipinas.

Ano ba ang lawak ng pilosopiya ng separation of church and state? Napakalawak at napaka lalim ng kahulugan ng pilosopiyang ito sapagkat ito ang nagbibigay ng boundary sa karapatan at tungkulin ng estado at relihiyon.

Kapag sinabi nating separation of church and estate, ito ay nangangahulugan na hindi pwedeng makialam ang estado (ikinakatawan ng gobyerno) sa pamamalakad ng relihiyon o ng mga kaugnay nitong doktrina. Sa kabilang banda, hindi rin dapat makiaalam ang relihiyon sa pagpapatakbo ng estado o gobyerno.

Paguluhin natin ng kunti. Hindi ba’t ang mga lider at kaanib sa relihiyon ay mga Pilipino rin at may karapatan silang makialam sa mga usaping panlipunan tulad ng kurapsyon, serbisyo publiko, pagboto, o pagbabayad at paniningil ng buwis, at mga katulad nito? At sa kabilang dako naman, hindi ba’t ang mga lider ng gobyerno ay may relihiyon din at kailangan din ang kanilang taos pusong pagsunod sa aral nito, tulad ng huwag magnakaw, huwag magsinungaling, huwag mandaraya, maging tapat sa pagpapatupad ng batas, at iba pa?

Para sa iyo, paano mo ihihiwalay ang pananampalataya at ang pagiging Pilipino? Pwede bang paghiwalayin? Ano ang dapat na pamantayan upang magawa ito?

I give you my business strategy for free – Build your money making machine

Source: I give you my business strategy for free – Build your money making machine

Sumilay ang bukang liwayway: Isang karanasan ng pagkamulat, pagsubok, at pagtatagumpay

Col. Daniel J. Dequito Jr. Regional Director BJMP-RO XII

Col. Daniel J. Dequito Jr.
Regional Director

Mahigpit ang pagkakahawak ni Dex sa Himnariong tangan habang sumasabay sa himig ng awit. Pakiramdam niya’y tila napakagaan ng kanyang katawan. Nanunuyo ang kanyang lalamunan at may kung anong bumabara rito. Maya-maya pa’y bumukal na ang luha sa kanyang mga mata. Ayaw niya sanang umiyak ngunit wala siyang magawa upang pigilin ang mga tila kristal na umaagos sa kanyang pisngi. Habang ang tinig ng mga umaawit ay pumapailanlang, higit namang napapalakas ang kanyang paghikbi. Nagunita niya ang mga pangyayari sa kanilang buhay ilang buwan na ang nakaraan.

Taong 1997 noon, nanunungkulan si Capt. Daniel J. Dequito Jr., Dex sa mga kaibigan, bilang warden ng Cavite City. Sa loob ng pinangangasiwaang bilangguan, maraming dumadalaw na iba’t-ibang tagapangaral ng relihiyon. Marami sa mga bilanggo ang nakikinig sa mga ito, bagaman ang iba’y nagpapalipas oras lamang. Natawagan ng pansin si Dex sa pagkakasalungatan ng mga ipinapangaral ng iba’t ibang tagapagturo. Haya higit siyang naging mapagsuri anupa’t sa mga oras na walang gawain ay binabasa niya ang Biblia. Lingid sa kanyang kaalaman, napansin ni Kapatid na Alvin Reynoso ang kanyang lumalagong interes sa relihiyon.

Isang araw natagpuan na lamang ni Dex ang isang Pasugo sa ibabaw ng kanyang mesa. “Sir, kung may panahon po kayo, magandang basahin ‘yan,” ani Alvin.

“Ganoon ba? Saan naman galing ito?” tanong ni Dex habang binubuklat ang ilang pahina ng babasahin.

“Magasin po ‘yan ng Iglesia Ni Cristo.” Nangingiting sagot ni Alvin.

Hindi na nagawang tumugon pa ni Dex sa tinuran nito dahil naagaw ang kanyang pansin ng isang artikulong may paksang ang Iglesia  Ni Cristo lamang ang maliligtas. Nawala na sa isip niya ang mga sumunod na pangyayari dahil naging abala siya sa pagbabasa ng artikulong iyon, na sa paksa pa lamang ay tinututulan na ng isip niya. Pakiramdam niya’y hinahamon ang kanyang pananampalataya kaya’t itinala niya ang lahat ng talata ng Biblia na binabanggit sa artikulo.

Patuloy na tumanggap ng Pasugo si Dex at nakawilihan niya itong basahin dahil sa naiibang paraan ng pagtalakay nito sa mga paksa batay sa pagtuturo ng Biblia. Subalit ang hamon ay nanatiling hamon. Itinala ni Dex ang mga puntos na para sa kanya’y hindi kapani-paniwala tulad ng pagiging tao ng Panginoong Jesucristo.

Sa kagustuhan na rin ni Dex, inayos ni Alvin ang paghaharap nila ng ministro ng Iglesia Ni Cristo na si Kapatid na Gary Pascua. Sa kanilang pag-uusap ay isa-isang itinanong ni Dex ang lahat ng mga puntos na itinala niya mula sa pagbabasa niya ng Pasugo at pakikinig sa mga programa ng Iglesia sa radio (DZEM). Laking gulat ni Dex nang ang lahat ng kanyang inihandang tanong ay nasagot nang batay sa Biblia. Gayunman ay may pagsalungat pa rin sa kanyang puso. Inisip niya, “Hindi ito ang huli nating pagkikita. Paghahandaan ko pa ang susunod,” waring siniguro niyang si Kapatid na Gary ay mapapahiya sa susunod nilang pagtatagpo.

Nang sumunod na lingo, dumating ang pinakahihintay na pagkakataon ni Dex na magkaharap silang muli ng ministro. Tulad ng dati, naghanda si Dex ng maraming tanong sa pagtatangkang ipitin ang ministro sa kanilang diskusyon. Ngunit ang nangyari’y salungat sa kanyang inaasahan. Lahat ng kanyang mga tanong ay nasagot ng buong linaw batay pa rin sa Biblia. Naroon pa rin ang pagtutol sa kanyang puso ngunit hindi niya maintindihan ang sarili kung bakit ganun na lamang ang pagsusumikhay niyang magsaliksik sa mga aral ng Iglesia Ni Cristo na anupa’t walang pagtutol siyang nagpaunlak sa paanyaya ni Kapatid na Gary na dumalo siya sa pagsamba.

Oktubre 2, 1997. Hapon na noon at makulimlim ang panahon, subalit isa si Dex sa makapal na bilang ng mga taong bumabagtas sa daang patungo sa gusaling sambahan sa Lokal ng Cavite City.

Sa loob ng sambahan, nakatawag ng pansin ni Dex ang maayos na kasuotan ng mga mananamba. Bakas sa mga dumalo ang paghahanda nila ng kanilang sarili para sa banal na okasyon, hindi tulad ng ibang pagtitipong panrelihiyong kanyang nadaluhan. Higit siyang namangha sa napansing kaayusan sa loob ng gusaling sambahan. Hiwalay sa pagkaka-upo ang mga babae sa mga lalaki, maayos at maaliwalas ang dako, walang nag-iingay o kaya’y nanggugulo. Bawat isa ay nananalangin sa kanilang pagkakaupo. Napaka solemne ng pag-awit ng mga himno, ang pagtuturo ay malinaw, at hanggang sa abuluyan at paglabas ay napamalagi ang kaayusan.

Ang unang pagsamba ni Dex ay nasundan pa nang maraming ulit at ngayon ay narito siya, sa isang pagsambang pagpapasalamat sa Lokal ng Cavite City na bagama’t hindi pa siya nababautismuhan ay damang dama niya ang kapangyarihan ng Panginoong Diyos na lumulukob sa buo niyang pagkatao. Narito ngayon siya, bagbag ang loob at hindi mapigil ang pag-agos ng luha sa kanyang pisngi. Habang taimtim na nananalangin, pakiramdam niya’y unti-unting gumagaan ang kanyang kalooban – pinagagaan ng kapangayarihan ng Diyos.

Isang bago at matatag na pag-asa ang natanaw niya pagkatapos ng pagsamba. Pakiramdam niya’y nawala na ang gulo sa kanyang puso, napawi na ang pangamba, pag-aalinlangan, at suliranin sa buhay. Anupa’t nasabi niya sa sarili, “Dito ko pala matatagpuan ang kapayapaan na matagal ko nang hinahanap.”

Umusad pa ang panahon. Nagging kasangkapan din sina Kapatid na Moises Valenzuela at Ludy Lara upang lalong makilala niya ang Iglesia ni Cristo at maunawaan ang mga aral nito. Pagkatapos na mapakinggan ang mga pangunahing aral nasinasampalatayanan ng Iglesia Ni Cristo at makapasa sa mga pagsubok, natanggap ni Dex ang pinakamimithing bautismo noong Enero 2, 1999. Itinuturing niya ang araw na iyon na isang ginintuang sandali sa kanyang buhay.

Subalit ang ginto man ay kailangang magdaan sa apoy upang malaman kung ito’y dalisay. Hunyo 7, 1999 noon ng simulang dalawin ang kanyang sambahayan ng mabibigat na pagsubok. Nakatakas ang isang bilanggo sa piitan na kaniyang pinangangasiwaan at sapagkat siya ang tuwirang nananagot dito ay hinatulan siya ang indefinite suspension o pagka-suspinde sa panunungkulan sa loob ng di-tiyak na panahon. Masama man sa kanyang loob ngunitkailangan niyang sundin ang isinasaad ng batas. Ang pangyayaring iyon ay tila isang madilim na ulap na tumatabing sa liwanag ng kanyang pag-asa. Hindi lubos-maisip ni Dex kung paano niya itataguyod ang kabuhayan kaniyang pamilya.

Sinikap nilang palaguin ang kanilang naipon sa matagal na panahon sa pamamagitan ng pagtatayo ng munting negosyo, ngunit sila’y nabigo. Ang kanilang kabuhayan ay halos naubos.

Minsan, sa gitna ng kagipitan ay sinubukan niyang humingi ng tulong sa isang kamag-anak na inaakala niyang dadamay sa kaniya. Umuulan noon. Kilik ang bunsong anak, nilakad niya ang masukal na daan. Matarik ang burol, madulas at maputik ang daan, tao at kalabaw lamang ang makadaraan. Ngunit sa kaniyang pagbati sa kamag-anak ay agad siya nitong tinalikuran. Umuwi siyang bigo.

Naranasan din niya ang matinding pag-uusig. Marami sa mga itinuturing niyang kaibigan ang isa-isang lumayo. Ang iba’y inupatan pa siya at sinabing , “Kung hindi ka umanib sa Iglesia, sana’y hindi ka naghirap.”

Ngunit sa kabila ng lahat ng ito, nanindigan si Dex at si Zeny, na noo’y nakikinig na rin sa mga aral ng Iglesia Ni Cristo. Hindi nila binitiwan ang kanilang pagka-Iglesia Ni Cristo, sa pag-asang sa pamamagitan nito’y makakamtan nila ang tunay na pagpapala ng Diyos – doon sa pangakong Bayang Banal.

Sa halip na mawalan ng pag-asa, patuloy siyang dumalangin sa Ama na sana’y ibsan ang kaniyang pasan. Nanganlong siya sa Panginoon sa bawat sandali ng kaniyang kapighatian. Anupa’t kung tinalikuran man siya ng iba, higit naman siyang naging malapit sa Panginoon sa panahon ng kagipitan.

Nobyembre 1999, tumanggap si Dex ng isang sulat buhat sa Department of Interior and Local Government. Isang magandang balita ang nilalaman nito: Ibinabalik na siya sa serbisyo. Sa wakas, ang unos sa kaniyang buhay ay unti-unting naglaho, at sumilay na muli ang liwanag. Ang bukang liwayway ay nagbabadya ng isang bago at magandang araw. Sa kagalakan ng kanyang puso, si Dex at ang kanyang sambahayan ay nagpasalamat sa Diyos at sila’y sama-samang nagpuri sa Kaniya.

Noong Disyembre 23, 2000 ay pinagkalooban siya ng ranggong Major at itinalaga siyang Provincial Jail Administrator ng BJMP-Laguna at Warden ng San Pablo City Jail.

Oktubre 15, 2002, itinalaga siya bilang Provincial Jail Administrator ng BJMP-Cavite at Warden ng District Jail sa Naic, Cavite. Ang kanyang mga panalangin ay dininig ng Panginoon kaya’t ang kanyang tagumpay ay sunod-sunod, tulad ng alon sa dalampasigan.

Ang kaniyang maybahay at ang panganay na anak, si Darlene, ay nabautismuhan na rin sa Iglesia Ni Cristo. Ang iba pa nilang anak na sina Dave, Donna, Dan Edward, at Toto Nel ay inihandog nilang mag-asawa sa Panginoon. Sa kasalukuyan ang buong sambahayan ni Dex ay masiglang kaanib sa Lokal ng Magallanes, Cavite at isa siya sa may pinakamaraming bunga sa lokal.

May akda: Rovil R. Villanueva

Author’s Note: Ang k’wentong ito ay unang inilimbag sa Inspirational Lives Section ng magasin na Pasugo God’s Message noong Setyembre 2004, Volume 56, Number 9, at may ISSN 0116-1636.