A Voice that Has Been Ignored

Very true. Inspiring.

IGLESIA NI CRISTO: God's Message (Pasugo)

EXHAUSTING THE POTENTIALS of science, engineering, and technology, modernity has brought about amazing wonders to us. Extremely impressive inventions and discoveries of man today, particularly in the fields of medicine, transportation, and communication, were thought before as beyond human capacity, although long before the birth of Christ, an angel of God told prophet Daniel that at “the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase” (Dan. 12:4, New King James Version). Agricultural, industrial, and business sectors have utilized technology to the fullest, in their aim of generating much profit.

Indeed, many, young and old, rich and poor, are trying with excitement to avail themselves of the conveniences and sophistication modernity offers. But on the other hand, it has been observed that modern societies are troubled with moral and spiritual decline especially on the part of the youth. Such decline is indicated by alarming trends such as…

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