How to make money online?


Part 1

To give you a little background about the authors, Rovil is a former College Instructor Quezon City, Philippines. He engaged in logging operations in Camarines provinces, until putting up his trading post. After several ups and down, he tried Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) where he served as writer for some clients in Bangladesh, Kenya, Pakistan, Canada, and United States until he discovered the more (and probably the easiest) way to earning 100 percent profit for his own crop.

On the other hand, Eva studied in University of the Philippines and eventually dropped her school to work in direct selling. She tried working in call center industry but decided to make her won road to financial independence.
Let me tell you my people, the lesson you are about to learn now is not an instant-millionaire scheme or a multi-level marketing, or a “gecko” or a “yamashita treasure” scheme.banking_bricks_business

In this business, you will exert ninety nine (99%) percent perspiration and one (1%) percent hardwork equals the same – industry. People, I’m telling you this not to discourage you but rather I just want to tell you that lazy and “easy-money” minded people are no room in this kind of business. If you don’t want to work and earn, then stop reading. If you want the other way around, you want financial freedom, then go. This is the time for you to make your own way to online market.

For the sake of those new in online marketing, online marketing is, in its simplest explanation, about buying and selling or goods or services worldwide without having employees or actual store in foreign countries or territories.
So, this online marketing is a serious business. This is a combination of active income and passive income. What is the difference between the two, for those newbies’ sake let me give you an example. Alright, when you directly sell, let’s say a book, to someone, that is an active income. When while you are sleeping in a comfortable bedroom and income keeps on coming to your bank account, that is passive income. In online business, you will have both active and passive income. Do you like that?

roll_of_money_185524Maybe you will ask me how long will it takes for you to make money online, the answer depends on you.

You can make money as fast as 2 days, maybe in 30 days, or maybe 3 months or a year. That is completely depends on you. You have to have your target and you have to make all your efforts to hit the target. That is why your target must be realistic and achievable. You can make more than your target depending on your own choices and industry.

Alright, now you are looking for a business that doesn’t require a huge capital, but can give you huge earnings (depending on your method and industry) faster and longterm projection. You are on the right path, you’re not mistaking. That is the kind of enthusiasm this kind of business require.

We will discuss many methods of making money online in Part II of this article. For the meantime, tells us some guidelines you an we go thru our in-depth discussion on the subject.

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